Tuesday, September 11, 2007


I like austrian blinds because they are rich and full but there is also that extra ornamentation; that use of frills/scallops which gives an aura of ornamentation. When choosing curtains for a space or when thinking about curtains and their role in the interior space, maybe you should think whether you want curtains for ornament or function. This is not a black and white decision. If you choose 'function' or 'functionality', you can choose to have functionality as the main aim and thus be guided by the functionality of the curtain but then bring in some elements of ornamentation or decoration.

Just to say that some design schools had 'functio'n as their main aim but that is not to say that decoration and ornament was avoided. For example, the streamline moderne style may not be as decorative as art deco or art nouveau but there was still some element of decoration in the overall functionality of streamline moderne. Although it can be asked if a design school like streamline moderne is overtly functional as opposed to decorative.

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